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Welcome to our dog blog, where tails wag and paws explore the wonderful world of our canine companions! Our blog is dedicated to all things dog-related, from heartwarming stories and expert tips to the latest trends in dog care and training.

Good Puppy Manners Training It’s not just for the dog.

1. Communication is Key: Puppy training is essentially a course in communication. It’s a...

Boundaries Matter in Shared Public Spaces.

1. Safety First: Boundaries in public spaces are not only about teaching your puppy good manners;...

Puppy Training is not just for the dog.   

 While many owners focus on teaching puppies basic commands and behavior, it’s equally...

Capture and Reward Spontaneous Good Behaviour in Your Puppy

While structured training sessions are essential, there’s another powerful tool you should add...

The Golden Rule of Puppy Training: Rewarding Desired Behavior

A powerful principle in shaping your puppy’s behavior is the concept that “behavior that is...
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