Capture and Reward Spontaneous Good Behaviour in Your Puppy

While structured training sessions are essential, there’s another powerful tool you should add to your training toolkit: capturing and rewarding spontaneous good behavior.  You will need to pay attention and recognize those unscripted moments when your puppy offers you behavior that you have not asked for, but want to encourage.  

For example, if I am working on my computer & my puppy comes and sits beside my chair (as opposed to jumping on me) then I will reward his choice to sit.  Capturing behaviors that your puppy offers, and that you like, provides you with opportunities to reinforce them and turn them into consistent habits.

When Capturing Spontaneous behavior remember to:


      • Stay Alert: Pay attention to your puppy’s actions throughout the day. Keep an eye out for behaviors that align with your training goals, such as sitting, lying down, or staying calm when visitors arrive.

      • Act Swiftly: The key to capturing spontaneous behavior is acting swiftly. As soon as you see your puppy displaying the desired action, respond immediately with positive reinforcement.

    Use High-Value Rewards: Since you’re catching your puppy off guard, make sure to use high-value rewards like special treats or enthusiastic praise. This will make the connection between the behavior and the reward even stronger.

    Keep It Short and Sweet: When rewarding spontaneous behavior, keep the interaction short and positive. You want your puppy to associate the reward with the specific behavior they performed, not with a prolonged training session.

    Examples of Capturing Spontaneous Good Behavior


        • Calm Settling: If your puppy lies down calmly on their own, offer a treat and praise to reinforce this behavior.

        • Gentle Greeting: When your puppy approaches you or a visitor without jumping, reward their good manners with a treat or affection.

        • Focus and Attention: If your puppy looks at you during a walk or training session, seize the moment to reward their attentiveness.

        • Playful Patience: If your puppy waits patiently for you to throw a toy or start a game, reward their self-control.

      Dogs are incredibly perceptive creatures. By rewarding behaviors they offer spontaneously, you’re tapping into their innate desire to understand and please you. This can enhance their overall learning and make training more effective.

      Good Puppy Manners

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